Juanito Reyes is a minor character in One Day at a Time. He is the husband of Estrellita and father of Flavio.
Physical Appearance[]
Juanito is a man with brown hair and brown eyes. He has thick eyebrows, a beard, and stubble under his chin.
Juanito is shown to give Alex twenty dollars every time Alex says something he likes or agrees with causing Alex to give him the nickname Tío ATM.
In "The Politics Episode," it is revealed the Reyes family will be spending time with the Alvarezes after a baptism in the family. Juanito is only seen in animated form, though he was previously mentioned in "The Funeral" when his wife Estrellita mentions she wants to take Penelope and Victor's names off the family mantilla and put hers and Juan's instead.
Season 3[]
In "The Funeral," Penelope then tells Estrellita she is glad the stupid mantilla crap is behind them, Estrellita agrees and asks where the mantilla is, saying she wants to get her and her husband Juan's names stitched into as they didn't have it at their wedding. Penelope takes it out of Lydia's purse and asks if she will give it back after.
Estrellita then asks if she's getting remarried. Penelope says she might but she wants to save it for her kids as they are the next oldest in the family, so it makes sense. Estrellita asks "does it?" Penelope then questions what she means.
Esterellta elaborates saying that doesn't make sense because Elena is gay and Penelope retorts saying her son Flavio is super gay, a comment that clearly does not sit well with Estrellita. Flavio then makes a comment on the apartment walls in the apartment being yellow. This then leads to the two women fighting over the mantilla and Estrellita says Penelope and Victor's names should be removed as they are divorced.
She retorts that Penelope couldn't keep Victor tied down so neither should the mantilla. This comment causes Penelope to look away in shock. Schneider then says that was nasty and says Monica is no longer Tía Bitchy, Estrellita is.
Later, Pilar comes up and says she and Susan used it at their wedding and she has it. She then pointedly tells the family they were all at the wedding which confuses them because they had not realized the event was a wedding. Lydia even goes so far as to say she thought it was an affectionate barbeque. Penelope then says they should at be ashamed at themselves for fighting over nothing. Lydia finally admits she had a stroke and she and Mirtha makeup and apologize to each other.
Penelope then says just because they have their differences doesn't mean they will stop being family. Estrellita then proposes a toast to Ophelia and says at least she was alive to see the president make America great again. Everyone else looks uncomfortable and the episode ends with Penelope saying "I'm, sorry. What?"
The Politics Episode[]
In "The Politics Episode," Juanito make a physical appearance in the animated special. He is seen chanting "Make America Great Again" with the rest of his family during an imagined scene. When Penelope is practicing a speech to Estrellita, she mentioned that if Flavio was in the Walmart where a guy said he was going to shoot all of the Mexicans, he wouldn't have cared to stop and ask if Flavio was Cuban. He appears for real at the end, along with the rest of his family when Penelope answers the door. The conclusion of the episode is the Alvarezes, the Reyeses, and Schneider all embracing in a group hug.